select o.order_id as orderId from order_info o, member mwhere m.member_id = o.member_id and o.is_delete = 'N' /*and (to_date(nvl(o.paid_time,o.commit_time), 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') >= to_date('2014-03-27 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss')) and (to_date(nvl(o.paid_time,o.commit_time), 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') <= to_date('2014-03-27 23:59:59', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss'))*/ and o.commit_time like '2014-03-27%' and ((o.payment_mode = 'KDFH' and o.IS_PAID = 'Y') or (o.payment_mode = 'HDFK')) and o.order_state NOT in (18, 19, 25) and (exists (select 1 from fecerp.sys_role_select rs, fecerp.sys_role_user su where su.role_id = rs.role_id and su.user_id = 3132 and su.is_delete = 'N' and rs.othera = 0) OR exists (select 1 from fecerp.sys_role_select rs, fecerp.sys_role_user su, product_yw_catalog pyc, product_yw_catalog_goods ycg, order_item oi where su.role_id = rs.role_id and pyc.yw_catalog_id = ycg.wy_catalog_id and su.user_id = 3132 and rs.othera <> 0 and su.is_delete = 'N' and ',' || rs.bus_ids || ',' like '%,' || pyc.yw_catalog_id || ',%' and oi.order_id = o.order_id and oi.is_delete = 'N' and ycg.goods_no = oi.goods_no)) and (select m.multi_channel_id from ec_multi_channel m where m.multi_channel_id = o.multi_channel_id) in (select ser.multi_channel_id from fecerp.sys_role_channel ser, fecerp.sys_role_user uss where ser.role_id = uss.role_id and ser.is_delete = 'N' and uss.is_delete = 'N' and uss.user_id = 3132)
order_info 索引如下:
和统计信息的关系不大,至少表order_info 的统计信息是正确的,否则table full access的cost不会这么高.
不走索引应该是下面的原因.- o.is_delete = 'N' --这个字段上没有索引
- o.commit_time like '2014-03-27%' --这个字段上没有索引
- ((o.payment_mode = 'KDFH' and o.IS_PAID = 'Y') or (o.payment_mode = 'HDFK')) --在payment_mode 和 IS_PAID 上虽然分别有索引,但是 对于条件 o.payment_mode = 'KDFH' and o.IS_PAID = 'Y') 如果走索引,那么是需要同时判断这两个字段的值. 这里没有基于这两个字段的索引,所以也走不了.
- o.order_state NOT in (18, 19, 25) -- not in 排除常量,走不了索引
推荐在 payment_mode 和 IS_PAID 上建立一个组合索引.